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​The absolute best way to ensure local, nutritious, organic produce is to grow it yourself. When gardening, you are close to the earth and in control of exactly how your food is grown. This closeness to the chain of production gives the ultimate control over questionable practices inherent in commercial food production.

Victory gardens encouraged during wartime took pressure off the nation's food supply and empowered everyone to do what they could for the war effort. The response to this moral booster during the time of war was overwhelmingly positive. Local Parks, front yards, and backyards all magically became places where the community could grow fresh food.

Plantbot Genetics encourages rediscovering these lost gardens. In addition, we have the skills to bring victory gardens into gallery spaces, abandoned warehouses, or rooms of any kind.  Co-founder Jeff Schmuki has perfected indoor hydroponic growth systems, making a local garden possible any time of year in any indoor space. These self-contained indoor gardens will not cause damage to the structures around them and provide fresh air, beauty, and food year-round. Food grown from these gardens can be harvested at the end of an exhibition, or donated to a local food bank. 


To further encourage engagement, PlantBots are grown as part of these gardens. Sound modules speak to the robots and echo the sound of the hydroponic system's inner workings, making the experience a complete sensory experience. 



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