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The open markets in Rome are some of the oldest running markets in the world. The tradition of the Roman open market goes back to at least the Third Century B.C., when the Marcellum market was located at the north end of the Fori Romani.

These open food markets are still the method many citizens of Rome buy their food everyday.  The eloquent system of distribution is simple and timeless. The food is grown just outside the city gates and the best harvested produce is trucked in to the open markets every morning. This insures quality local and seasonal produce.  Even the city itself has been designed around this simple system. The apartments and houses of the city radiate from these markets insuring that every citizen is close to fresh local produce.  

In the video, PlantBot Genetics visits the future of food distribution, by looking at this past never interrupted  working system.  The appearance of Monsantra, saw the past and future combine to the delight of the local community. 

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